Heereswaffenamt was the center of research and development of weapons and accessories in the german military. It was founded in 1919 under the name waffenamt (the weapons bureau). In 1922 it became Heereswaffenamt. One of their main tasks, very helpful for collectors, was the testing and approving of weapons and equipment. Waa markings was set on both weapons and equipment and give more information regarding the item. Manufacturers in occupied territories was given a dedicated waa code. e.g Kongsberg armory in Norway received the "Waa84" as their code. Its found on the rare 1945 m1914 Kongsberg colt and on bayonets produced during the occupation.
It was the "heeresabnahmewesen" that was responsible for inspection and acceptance of all weapons, equipment and ammunition to the wehrmacht.
The list comes from various sources, not directly from the archives. If you have some waa not listed her, feel free to send us a message.
Note that a manufacturer may have changed codes during the war.
W*A142 Gebr. Klinge Dresden 1936 – 38